Tuesday 13 June 2023

Touring Madrid

This morning  we had a guided coach tour of Madrid.  As well as the downtown  sights, we  were  also  driven a little  further  out to visit  the  bull ring and the Real Madrid  stadium (which is currently  undergoing  some renovation).  The bull ring in Madrid is the 3rd largest in the world.  The largest is in Mexico  City and the  2nd largest is in Venezuela.

After visiting the  bull ring we popped  into a  Cafe  across the street   to  use the  bathroom.   The taxidermy  bull heads on the  wall  were from  actual  bulls killed in the arena.  Yuk!

We moved on to a vantage point with a panoramic  view of the cathedral and the  Royal  Palacio.

Then it was back to the hotel for a  quick  lunch  before heading out again for  our afternoon  tour of the  Royal  Palacio.

Becky and I  were able to grab an hour in the  rooftop  hot tub  at the hotel before  heading down to the restaurant  for a special group dinner  organized by Scenic.  Honestly,  there wasn't a lot of point in this for Becky and me,  as everyone  else  in the group is from  the Douro  cruise.  So it's not like we know  them, and it's  not like  we're going to  get to know them as tomorrow  is our last day in Madrid.  Still, it was a free dinner,  so who am I to  complain. 

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