Monday 5 June 2023

All Aboard Scenic Diamond

I have to apologize for the late start to the blog.   The internet onboard is complete crap.  This is the first time I've been able to get a signal at all - and I had to come into the sundeck to get it.  So I'm just going to post the text for this now and add some photos later.

 Flew out of Gatwick early this morning and arrived in Bordeaux around lunchtime

It's VERY hot in Bordeaux.  The guy on the plane said it was 23 degrees but that's obviously wrong - it feels more like 33.   After boarding the ship and having a light lunch, Becky and I took a short walk into town and visited a local church.  By this time we were nearly melting so we sat in a very pretty park before the walk back to the ship.   

At dinner the crew brought Becky a special birthday cake, but I don't have a photo because (wouldn't you know it) we'd BOTH left our phones back in the room on charge.


  1. Just heard from a friend today that it was unusually hot in Bordeaux for the time of year.

  2. And according to the web, you should be able to see "the magical Vietnamese and Cambodian landscapes float by."
