Tuesday 13 June 2023

A lot of walking in Madrid

Today was a free day for us to  explore the  city by ourselves.   We left the  hotel at 8am and walked over to the cathedral.

Then we walked all the way back past the hotel  and  off in the other  direction  and all the way to the  Prado  Museum.   We stopped  along the way for coffee and reached the Prado  by 10am, so we'd  already been  walking  for about 2 hours  before  we got in there.  The Prado  is called  a Museum but in fact it's an art gallery. We spent the next few hours looking at works by Picasso,  El Greco, Velasquez and  some extremely  weird paintings by Goya.  Unforunately,  photography  was not allowed inside the Prado  and I  forgot  to take a photo of the  outside.  We then walked around the Madrid  Botanical gardens and on to an absolutely  enormous park called the Retiro. Somewhere  in the park there was  supposed to  be  a  crystal palace,  but we kept getting  lost and it took us about  an hour  to find it.

It then took us even longer to find our way out of the  park again.  By this time  we were exhausted, so we stopped at a  Tapas place for an early supper. Then we walked on to the plaza Santa Ana where we were booked into a flamenco performance.  However, when we got there  they told us the  performance was  canceled and  asked us to  wait  for the  next one (in 1.5 hours). We were far too  exhausted  to do this so we asked for  a  refund  instead  and  returned to the hotel.   Tonight we are packing as we are on an  early flight to Heathrow in the morning,  to start the final part of our trip (in the UK).

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