Thursday 8 June 2023


 This morning we went on a walking tour of the Citadel de Blaye.  This is one of around 160 fortifications around France that were designed by a chap called Vauban for Louis XIV.   This citadel at Blaye is one of best preserved of all these fortifications.  It overlooks the Gironde estuary - which is the largest estuary in Europe.   After all the work they did building this huge fort,   the "bolt of the estuary" (as it is known) was only half-heartedly attacked once (by the English - who gave up about a week in when they heard that Napoleon had already been apprehended and was on his way to Elba). 

After the tour of the citadel, Becky and I headed for the local market where she bought me some presents for my birthday.   

Back on the ship we had a special barbecue lunch, before coming 2nd in today's trivia quiz.   There was an early dinner at 5.30pm  as this evening's entertainment was a special visit to Chateau d'Agassac for some wine and a classical concert by a string quartet. 


Back to the ship at 10pm where they had laid out late night snacks for us - but I honestly couldn't face more food today.


  1. Surely it was the British who attacked, not the "English", as England had ceased to be a separate nation long before the Napoleonic Wars

    1. As far as our French guides are concerned , it's always the English. I guess they don't feel so much animosity to the Welsh and Scots. But they like to rub it in whenever they had a victory against the English
