Saturday 10 June 2023


 It's the  last day of our cruise, but we still have over a week  of our  vacation  left , during  which  we'll  be visiting  Spain and the  UK.  Today we had a tour of Bordeaux  by coach and were then dropped  off in the  city  centre for a few hours of free time.   We walked to one of the old gates, known as the Gros Cloche, which houses (you  guessed it) an enormous bell. The  bell is only rung once a month now as it was  discovered that vibrations from the bell  were damaging the foundations of nearby older buildings.   

We then walked down Rue St Catherine,  which is one of the longest  shopping  streets  in Europe.  Becky  finally  managed to  buy some  shampoo  (hers had broken  in her bag on the flight over). We also bought chocolate and  some of  the  local specialty  cakes called Caneles.  After this we stopped at the street side Cafe of a fancy hotel  for a nice cup of coffee and a sit down. The bus picked us up and it was back to the  ship  for a late lunch.  

After lunch we walked to a nearby shopping mall and  did yet more  shopping.  Becky bought  some  lamphrey.  Back onboard  there was an oyster tasting  which we declined to  take part in,we just had cocktails  instead.  We stayed in the lounge  for  the  disembarkation talk and the presentation of our prizes for  winning the trivia quiz  earlier  in  the  cruise.  We got some chocolates  from Margaux.

As we had to be up very  early  for our flight to  Madrid,  we decidedly to  skip  dinner.  So we said goodbye to the many  friends we have made onboard  and spent the rest  of the  evening  in our  cabin, ordering  room service and  packing.   It's been a  wonderful  first week  of our vacation 

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