Monday 5 June 2023

St Emilion

 This morning we sailed down the Dordogne river and docked in Libourne which is the second largest city in this region (the largest being Bordeaux). 


Today's excursion was to the village of St Emilion (population 250 - annual visitors 1 million).  St Emilion is named after the 9th century monk Emilion.   It's also home to the largest underground church in Europe.  Unfortunately photography is not allowed in there.  St Emilion's final claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of that well known French  dessert: the macaron. Macarons were invented by a local order of nuns in the 17th century.

We saw the old walls and some other churches before stopping for ice-cream and checking out the gift shops.  

We're now on our way back to the ship - and I'm making this post from the coach.  Things have come to a pretty pass when the wifi on the bus is orders of magnitude better than that in our "luxury floating hotel".   

After reaching the ship Becky and I plan to hang out in the hot tub on the sun deck for a while - it's been another hot, sweaty day

1 comment:

  1. I have only heard of St Emilion because of the famous wine. Did you get to try any?
