Saturday 10 June 2023


Apologies for the late posts. The internet onboard ship continued to  be unusable for the  final 3 days of our cruise and I'm now using the  airport wifi to  catch up before  we fly to Madrid for our 3 day stop there.

Our Thursday  stop was in the small town of Bourg. We had a short walking tour of the town followed by a visit to the carriages museum. We also visited the underground  cellars that were used for fuel storage  by both the  allies and the  Germans during  WWII.

In the late afternoon we sat up on deck to  enjoy  the view as the ship sailed back to Bordeaux.  We arrived in Bordeaux  at sunset and all enjoyed some amazing purple  cocktails (I'm  not  sure what  was in them) up on the sundeck. Some funky music was played and the ship revolved in the middle of the river for a while. It was great  fun.

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