Saturday 10 June 2023


Antoine Laumet was not from  Cadillac.   It is not known why he had to leave France, but it seems  there were some suspicious circumstances, as he traveled  on a ship he had not booked  passage  on and when he arrived in north America he changed his name to  the  more impressive  sounding Antoine  de la Mothe Cadillac.  He did quite well in America,  founding the  city of Detroit and later becoming governor of Louisiana.  General  Motors decided to name a car after him, not knowing  that Cadillac  wasn't  his real name. 

Cadillac is a very  pretty town with a very  impressive  château, built for the first Duke of Epernon in the  16th century.  After the  French  revolution it became a  women's prison.

After our day in Cadillac, it was back to  Bordeaux  again  for our farewell  gala dinner.  We still have  another  night onboard,  but people  will be  packing  tomorrow  evening  and  won't be  in the mood for a 5 course dinner. 

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