Tuesday 7 June 2022

June 6th - A Wet day in Vidin

 This morning we docked in Vidin, Bulgaria.   We were  signed up for the tour to see the red rock formations, but as we were getting ready to walk off the ship a huge thunderstorm began.   We decided to skip the excursion as it probably would have been muddy/slippery on the rocks.

After 30 minutes the storm ended and the sun came out and it was a beautiful day,  so Becky and I decided to walk in to town and have a look around by ourselves.  Vidin is a good example of what I expected most towns in the former Eastern Bloc to look like.  Lots of concrete tower blocks and box shaped buildings

Pretty much the only thing of interest in the town is the Fortress of Baba Vida, which is one of very few intact fortresses in Bulgaria. 

Back on board we were treated to a concert of Bulgarian music and dance featuring local children.  Bulgarian folk music is unique within the Balkans for having an irregular tempo

The afternoon was spent on the sundeck watching the scenery as we cruised on down the Danube.  After dinner we had a Roaring Twenties party, which Becky and I dressed up for

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