Thursday 2 June 2022

A Long Day in Budapest

 This morning Becky and I went on the City Tour of Budapest with a visit to Europe's largest synagogue.  Becky reckoned our guide was the worst guide she'd ever had. We started to a visit to the Fisherman's Bastion and the Mathias Cathedral on the Buda side.  But the guide wouldn't stop talking and we were late getting back to the bus - without even having had time to view the inside of the church.  Fortunately, Becky and I have been to Budapest before and saw the inside of the church last time.

So we were already running late for the 2nd half of the tour which was a visit to the largest Synagogue in Europe (2nd largest in the world after the one in New York).   Our guide then proceeded to sit us down and give us 10 minutes of general information about Judaism, rather than say anything about the building.  There were several Americans in the group who I think were Jewish, so it was a bit ridiculous for us to be having a lecture about what the Torah was.    I think the tour guide needs to rethink her career choice. The Aussie bus driver we had was a good laugh though.


In the morning we had been double parked and had had to walk through the Thurgau Tours ship to get to shore.  We were so late getting back to the ship that the Thurgau ship was leaving and we had to wait for them to go and our ship to then re-dock before we could get back on board for a very late lunch. 

After lunch we walked back into town to visit the central market.  Rather reminiscent of Cardiff Market - only a lot bigger.  

Back to the ship to be up on the sundeck and watch us pull away from the dock and leave Budapest at 5pm - heading towards Croatia. 

This evening was the Captain's cocktail party and welcome dinner.  The Captain is from Ukraine.
We sat with John and Liz from the Shetlands who we have become firm friends with.  


After dinner there was entertainment on offer in the lounge, with a saxaphonist and his vocal counterpart who seemed to think he was Barry White.   Becky and I decided on an early night as we have to be up at 6am for a "face check" when we cross the border into Croatia.  Croatia is not part of the Schengen area so we cannot simply sail from Hungary into Croatia without the red tape. I'm sure those customs agents arrange it for 6am hoping to see nubile young ladies in their night wear.  Too bad for them that the average age of the passengers on this ship is probably 70.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you've complained about the guide. You should arrange a trip to the Shetlands (and Orkneys, of course) next time you visit the UK.
