Thursday 9 June 2022

8th June - Bucharest, Romania

 Today we left the ship and headed to Bucharest by coach.   Our first stop was the Palace of the Parliament. Built on the orders of Nicolae Ceausescu between 1984 and 1989, this is the second largest government building in the world after the Pentagon, and has over 1000 rooms.

 The building has some over the top decor.  The room below (now used as a conference room) was originally supposed to be an office for 1 person.


After this we were taken to the Old Town and given 2 hours at leisure to shop and get lunch.  Becky and I were not hungry and just had ice cream, but if we had been hungry we would definitely have tried out Dracula's Medieval Feast:


After lunch we were taken on a coach tour of the city which covered all the highlights and finally to the hotel. 
Becky and I were exhausted so we walked a short distance from the hotel to a small restaurant and had dinner before setting for an early night.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes the meals are included on the ship. But we are not on the ship anymore. We disembarked as Bucharest is not near the Danube. The final 2 days are in a hotel here
