Sunday 5 June 2022

June 5th - An even hotter day in Golubec

 This morning we visited Golubec castle.  Our guide, Nicola, was dressed in period costume.  The road used to run through the middle of the castle, but an EU grant paid for the road to be moved and the castle renovated,  

After this we took a coach to Lepenski Vir, another archeological museum.  Apparently there are many of these mesolithic archeological sites along this stretch of the Danube.  A dam was built in this area  in the 1970s, which significantly raised the level of the river and the original archeological site is now underwater.  But the museum was built further up the slope which recreated the original settlement and houses many of the artifacts found on the original site.  I'm afraid my battery ran out at this time, so I don't have any photos.

Back on the ship we spent the rest of the day sailing through the Iron Gorge, which is the narrowest part of the Danube with Transylvania on one side and Serbia on the other.   At one point our butler came up on deck to give us a demonstration of how to open a bottle of champagne using a sabre. 

This is our last day in Serbia.  Tomorrow we head on into Bulgaria.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are seeing plenty of archaeology - which naturally I approve of!
