Saturday 27 January 2024

In Amazonian Waters

 Yesterday was a  day at sea as we sailed from French  Guiana  around the coast of South America towards the mouth of the Amazon.   We stopped  early  this morning  in Macaba which is close to  the  equator. 

Macaba is not a large place and this was what they called  a "technical stop" to let the pilot and the Brazilian authorities onboard.  So we weren't allowed  off.

Shortly  after  leaving  Macaba  we crossed the equator and we all got a certificate  for doing so. 

We've  been  sailing up the river all day and we won't  reach our first stop in Santarem until  tomorrow  morning.   The scale of everything  is daunting. 

We spent some of the day enjoying the view from the ship and relaxing on our balcony,  but  later in the  afternoon  it rained a lot (which I guess  is  not surprising  as it's a  rainforest)

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