Tuesday 16 January 2024

9th January - Alcatraz

I've been to San Francisco to visit Becky many times over the years - but in all my visits I'd never been to Alcatraz, so we decided to go there today.

Having booked the tickets online beforehand, we were hoping for a nice clear day with good views of  "the Rock" - so of course it was raining hard when we got off the BART at Embarcadero station.   By the time we'd walked to Pier 33 we were soaked.  I spent the entire ferry ride looking out of the window and being unable to see anything but mist and fog.  We had practically docked by the time I could see the island.

It's a long walk uphill from where the ferry docks to the prison itself.   We did a self-guided audio tour of the prison block.

Of course, as we started walking back down the hill to get the ferry back to Pier 33, the rain finally stopped.   By the time we'd had lunch at Swiss Louie on Pier 39, the sun was out again -  typical!  Oh well, at least I can say I've been to Alcatraz now.

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