Tuesday 16 January 2024

25th December - Lunch at the Top of the Mark

We woke early and exchanged small presents,  then walked down the hill to Union Square.   The plan was to watch people skating - but there didn't seem to be that many skaters around early on Christmas Day.   So after coffee we went back to the hotel and got our glad rags on ready for our Christmas Buffet Brunch.

The Mark Hopkins restaurant is on the top floor and is called the Top of the Mark.  The views from the restaurant are spectacular.    The food was pretty spectacular too.

The buffet included prime rib and leg of lamb from the carvery,  along with other dishes including duck, chicken, salmon, lobster, ribs, etc.    I tried several of these on my first trip up, intending to go back and try some more later - but I was just too full.  
We retired to the room again and all I could do was lie on the bed and groan.  I ended up changing into my nightclothes at about 5pm just to lessen the strain around my waistband.    Football was on the TV and we intended to watch the game from bed - but I ended up falling asleep half way through.   I think the bottomless champagne that was served with the buffet might have been a contributing factor.

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