Tuesday 10 December 2019

Cruising the Rhine and Koblenz

This morning we cruised along a stretch of the Rhine that is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  I lost count of all the castles we passed. We also passed the Loreley Rock - which I first saw 43 years ago.  When I get home I'll have to compare the photos to see if it's changed at all.
Around lunchtime we docked in Koblenz, where Becky and I took a walk around by ourselves.  Koblenz is a bit like 3 or 4 Swansea's all joined together - which isn't much of a recommendation. I think it's main claim to fame is that it still has a Woolworths!

Koblenz Chritsmas Market

1 comment:

  1. I recall I got badly lost in Koblenz and was wandering around for about an hour. Dave and I were going around separately, and he got lost as well - so for once he couldn't mock my poor sense of direction.
