Wednesday 11 December 2019

11th December - a wet day in Cologne

Cologne, or Koln in German, has the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany. We began with a short walking tour of the old town, ending with a tour of the cathedral. The cathedral is supposed to house the bones of the 3 magi.
By the time the tour was over Becky and I were extremely wet, so we stopped in a kaffehaus for a lovely slice of cake and a coffee.
After that it was off to the Christmas markets. Cologne has 5, but we only made it around 2 of them. They were certainly the biggest and best markets of the whole trip. So it was a great place to end our cruise.

In the evening we had a special dinner and shared a table with the special friends we've made on this trip.

1 comment:

  1. Have you counted the number of cakes/pieces of cake you've eaten during the week?
