Friday 6 December 2019

Basel Tour and Christmas Markets

This morning we took a tour of Basel including the Munster and the Rathaus (town hall). Basel is the capital of the local canton, so the Rathaus also serves as the parliament building for the canton.

We even had a semi-famous tour guide for our tour - not Roger Federer, but Andy Locke (a former member of Eddison Lighthouse of "Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes" fame). Always wanted to know what happens to pop stars of the 70s - well it seems they become tour guides in Switzerland.

After the tour we had free time to explore the Christmas markets by ourselves

 We stopped for a local lunch in a tea room called Scheisser,  before visiting the chocolate shops and buying some goodies to take home. We then walked back along the bank of the Rhine to where our ship was docked.

Tonight is the Captain's Gala dinner - so we're off to get our glad rags on.

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