Wednesday 11 December 2019

11th December - a wet day in Cologne

Cologne, or Koln in German, has the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany. We began with a short walking tour of the old town, ending with a tour of the cathedral. The cathedral is supposed to house the bones of the 3 magi.
By the time the tour was over Becky and I were extremely wet, so we stopped in a kaffehaus for a lovely slice of cake and a coffee.
After that it was off to the Christmas markets. Cologne has 5, but we only made it around 2 of them. They were certainly the biggest and best markets of the whole trip. So it was a great place to end our cruise.

In the evening we had a special dinner and shared a table with the special friends we've made on this trip.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Cruising the Rhine and Koblenz

This morning we cruised along a stretch of the Rhine that is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  I lost count of all the castles we passed. We also passed the Loreley Rock - which I first saw 43 years ago.  When I get home I'll have to compare the photos to see if it's changed at all.
Around lunchtime we docked in Koblenz, where Becky and I took a walk around by ourselves.  Koblenz is a bit like 3 or 4 Swansea's all joined together - which isn't much of a recommendation. I think it's main claim to fame is that it still has a Woolworths!

Koblenz Chritsmas Market


Eberbach Abbey is a Cistercian Monastery, best known as the filming location for the Sean Connery movie: "The Name of the Rose".

We arrived after dark and were given candles (LED not real) to carry around, so as to add to the ambience.  First we headed to the wine cellars for a tasting of 3 of the local wines.
After the wine cellars we visited the dormitories, chapter house, church and the wine press room.  \The Cistercians didn't believe in heating their monasteries - so it was pretty cold.

Weisbaden and Rudesheim

This morning we were docked in Mainz, but took a bus to Weisbaden to the "twinkling star" Christmas market.  We bought a lot of stuff!
Weisbaden Christmas market
While we were in Weisbaden the ship sailed on to Rudesheim. So the bus took us back to the ship's new docking spot there.  Rudesheim was small but very pretty.  We took the little choo choo train into town and walked around the Christmas market - which took up most of the town.  It was probably our favourite market so far.
We also stopped in a cafe to try the local speciality: the Rudesheimer coffee.  It was quite a production with the waiter heating the brandy and lighting it on fire before pouring the coffee over it. It was very yummy!

Rudesheim Christmas Market

Rudesheimer coffee

Monday 9 December 2019


Today we were docked at Mannheim, but there's not a lot to see in this industrial town, so we were put on a bus and taken to Heidelberg.  The main attraction at Heidelberg is the very old castle, which is mostly a ruin these days (having been burned down at least 3 times).
The castle houses the largest wine barrel in the world.

View from Heidelberg Castle

The largest wine barrel in the world

We then had several hours to wander around Heidelberg's various Christmas markets and enjoy a traditional German lunch.
Christmas market in Heidelberg


We were booked on the early morning tasting tour.  We started off in a restaurant in a very old building to have our breakfast of "stinky pizza" and gluwein.  It wasn't really pizza, but a local specialty called flammerkeuche: which consisted of a very thin crust base with the local smelly cheese, onions, garlic and bacon on it.  Gluwein is the local mulled wine and is served hot.
We then walked on down the various shopping streets and sampled gingerbread and cookies.
Breakfast in a local restaurant
Strasbourg houses the European Parliament.  It's an interesting city with a lot of old buildings and a Gothic cathedral which has the 2nd highest spire in Europe.  It's changed hands between France and Germany 7 times over the last century.  I was left not knowing whether to attempt to speak my very bad French or my almost non-existent German.

Strasbourg is also known as the Christmas Capital of Europe and has a huge number of Christmas markets.  Becky and I only managed to make it around 3 of the markets but bought plenty of things.
In the evening we had a singer and accordion player to entertain us with a repertoire of French songs.

Friday 6 December 2019

Basel Tour and Christmas Markets

This morning we took a tour of Basel including the Munster and the Rathaus (town hall). Basel is the capital of the local canton, so the Rathaus also serves as the parliament building for the canton.

We even had a semi-famous tour guide for our tour - not Roger Federer, but Andy Locke (a former member of Eddison Lighthouse of "Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes" fame). Always wanted to know what happens to pop stars of the 70s - well it seems they become tour guides in Switzerland.

After the tour we had free time to explore the Christmas markets by ourselves

 We stopped for a local lunch in a tea room called Scheisser,  before visiting the chocolate shops and buying some goodies to take home. We then walked back along the bank of the Rhine to where our ship was docked.

Tonight is the Captain's Gala dinner - so we're off to get our glad rags on.

Thursday 5 December 2019

All aboard

A quick flight from Heathrow to Basel today.  Arrived in Basel just after lunch. Sadly, Roger Federer was not there to greet us at the airport so we had to make do with the Uniworld representative.
It was then a 20 minute mini bus ride to the ship - the SS Antionette
The ship is beautiful and all done up for Christmas with lots of Christmas goodies laid out in the lounge. We've met some lovely people so far, and we're looking forward to our first Christmas Market tour (in Basel) tomorrow morning.

4th December - Meeting family at Heathrow

Arrived at Heathrow at 7.20am and then had to sit around for 4 hours waiting for Becky to come in. Made our way to the Renaissance hotel and relaxed for the afternoon

In the evening Alex and Adam joined us at the hotel restaurant for a meal.
This is the first time I've ever met Adam and he's a lovely chap.   Excellent company for the evening and we had a great time.  

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Christmas Markets here I come!

Yes - I'm off again.   This time I'm going down the Rhine to visit all the Christmas Markets in Switzerland, France and Germany.  Then a few days in the UK to visit family and do some Christmassy stuff in London.