Wednesday 7 June 2017

Vienna - 7th June

Today was a full day in Vienna.

We started off at Vienna museum of the fine arts.  This was a special tour before the museum opened. They started us off with a bellini cocktail before taking us to see the Bellini painting. We saw several interesting paintings including Bruegal's  Tower of Babel, and Hans Holbein's portrait of Jane Seymour. But my favourite one was this:

After the museum we were taken on a coach tour of the city, and then a short walking tour, which included a visit to the Spanish riding school where we were able to watch the Lipizaner stallions practicing.

The afternoon was free for us to explore Vienna by ourselves. After a brief visit to St Stephen's cathedral we made our way to the Hotel Sacher for lunch.  When I first started going out with my husband he promised he'd take me to Vienna one day for some Sachertorte.  We've been married 26 years now and there was still no sign of him making good on his promise, so I had to take myself here instead.  Becky and I had a scrumptious lunch in the cafe at the Hotel Sacher, followed by some really wonderful special coffees and Sachertorte for dessert. So my birthday cake was Sachertorte - that kind of made my day.

After some souvenier shopping we made our way to the shuttle bus and back to the ship where we've been hanging out in the the Leopard Bar before dinner and sampling some nice cocktails. We met some nice people in the bar ... so the plan is to sit with them at dinner.

Becky has been driving me mad all day singing Vienna by Ultravox....

Greetings to the readers from North Carolina.

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