Tuesday 6 June 2017

A very full day - 6th June

Becky and I were up at 5.30am to go up to the top deck and watch the ship traverse the first and largest of the locks we will pass through on our way down the Danube.  I can't believe how many river cruise ships there are, and one in particular, the Viking Baldur, seems to be following us all over the place. It even joined us in the lock.

Later in the morning we arrived in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.  We had a walking tour of the city, which is quite small for a capital city (a population of less than 500,000) and full of quaint little cobbled streets. Quite a lot of the city centre is pedestrianized - probably because many of the streets are probably too narrow to get a car down. My sister says I probably used the word probably too many times in that last sentence....

After lunch it was back to the ship to carry on down the Danube to Vienna. Bratislava and Vienna are the 2 closest capital cities in Europe (and possibly the world) being only 56km apart. Uniworld had laid on various afternoon entertainments, including a strudel making class and a waltz class, but Becky and I decided to spend the afternoon relaxing up on the sun deck and watching the world go by with a pina colada.

After an early buffet dinner we were then taken off to a Mozart/Strauss concert at a Vienna Concert hall, which was highly enjoyable.

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