Friday 2 June 2017

At the airport

So here I am at Ottawa airport.  Becky's plane was due to leave San Francisco before my plane takes off from here.  So I decided I would check the Virgin flight status page to make sure she took off alright.  The page finally showed her as "in flight" 5 minutes ago.  With that out of the way I thought now would be a good time for a cup of coffee, especially since there's over an hour until my flight starts boarding. 
What do I find.... Starbucks has already closed.  I should have bought my latte first!
Anyhow, looking forward to a very boring hour or so now.  There's only so many games of Candy Crush I can play before it gets old.   I'm also going to be without any refreshment while I sit around.  Tim Horton's is still open - but a Timmies coffee just doesn't do it for me like a chai latte.

Ho hum.  See you on the other side .....

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