Friday 9 June 2017

The Adventures of Becky and Ruth in Linz

We were supposed to go to Salzburg today -  but we missed the bus.  For some reason I had it in my mind that the bus went at 8.45am, but in fact it went at 8.15. So when we turned up at reception at 8.30 the bus had already gone.

Instead we decided to walk into the centre of Linz. We walked around the main shopping area and went into a mall where there was yet another Spar.  For those of you in North America, Spar is a chain of corner stores in the UK (most of which have a floor area of about 6 x 6ft).  This was nothing like the Spar stores in the UK.  For one thing it took up almost the entire basement of the mall. It even had a small coffee shop/bar inside it!  Then we had some interesting adventures trying to figure out the automated door into the public bathrooms. 

After all this excitement we made our way to the main square in Linz where we had a coffee and some of the eponymous Linzertorte.  We then went on the Linz express (and electric train type thing) for a 25 minute tour of the city with commentary in English. 

We then walked back to the ship and spent the rest of the day relaxing on the sun deck, watching the French open on the TV in the lounge and we even had a dip in the pool.  It was actually nice to spend a day mostly just relaxing instead of charging around on one excursion or another.

Tomorrow is the last full day of the cruise.  We will be in Passau, Germany.

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