I'm still adjusting to the time zone changes and was up at 5am again this morning. This allowed me to go up on deck and watch the dawn on Maui.

Today we went to Lahaina for a trip on the Atlantis submarine. Our submarine was actually white - but I did see a yellow submarine nearby. Excellent trip in the sub. Saw a wreck and a shark and a lot of fish. On the boat ride out to the sub and back we also saw pods of dolphins.
Bridie wasn't very well on the boat, but she recovered enough afterwards for us to go for ice-cream (instead of lunch). By the way - Bridie's Mum, if you're reading this, Bridie says Hi.

Lahaina was a lovely town. I would have loved to stay there longer and eat in one of the restaurants on the sea front. Did you know that Mick Fleetwood (of Fleetwood Mac) owns a restaurant there? It has the very original name of "Fleetwoods". The main "attraction" in Lahaina is the world's second (or third - depending on who you ask) largest Banyan tree. This thing is huge and takes up a full city block.
Unfortunately we didn't have time to eat and had to cut the shopping short as we had to get the bus back to the ship by 3pm because the ship leaves Maui at 5.30pm. Tomorrow morning we dock at Hilo on the Big Island.
This evening Bridie and I attended a lei making class and made leis from Kukui nuts.
Let's have a look at the lei!
ReplyDeleteWe just went on one of the Atlantis submarines in Barbados. Apparently the same company runs them in a number of places. Very similar experience to you and a lot of fun!