Friday 28 October 2016

Blue Hawaii

Our vacation is drawing to a close, so we want to fit as much in as possible.  Thursday was a full day tour of Kaua'i followed by a luau.

We started off at the location where Elvis filmed the movie "Blue Hawaii".  It's very picturesque - except for the chickens.  They have wild chickens everywhere on Kaua'i because they don't have mongoose like every other island does. On the other islands mongoose are supposed to be there to eat the rats, but instead they eat the chicken eggs. 

After that it was off to Opeaka'a falls. Very beautiful spot.  Then the spouting Horn - which is a place where a lava tube goes out into the sea, and as the tide comes in it spouts up out of a break in the top of the lava tube.   We then went on to Poipu for a packed lunch.  Of course the chickens joined us hoping someone would drop a piece of sandwich.  One chicken even got up on the picnic table with us. 

In the afternoon we went to Waimea Canyon.  Sort of like the Grand Canyon - but smaller.  In my opinion also prettier than the Grand Canyon as there was green in the mix of colours and some waterfalls too.

We also had a stop at a Kaua'i coffee plantation, but I have to say I preferred the Kona coffee, which is a bit sad - since it's more than twice as expensive as the Kaua'i coffee.

We rounded out the day at the Luau.  We watched them dig up the pig first.  Both the women and the men did fire dancing.  Bridie went up on stage and had a go at doing the hula.  The food was good - the pork was amazing and there was also mahi mahi which was very yummy.  We were exhausted by the time we got back to the ship.

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