Saturday 29 October 2016

Last night aboard

This evening we sailed along the Napali coast.  A place where several movies have been filmed including Jurassic Park 1 and 2, King Kong, Six Days and Seven Nights, South Pacific, and others. 

Since it was our last night on board Bridie and I put on our glad rags and went to a fancy French Bistro called Jeffersons for a slap up meal.  Very nice.

Now we are all packed again and have to put our cases outside the room tonight. 
Tomorrow Pearl Harbor and then off to the airport. I don't want to go back home to the snow .....


  1. It looks so fabulous. Wish I was there! I might try and make you do it all again :) x

  2. Don't worry, the snow was short-lived! But it'll be baaaaack...
