Sunday 5 May 2024

Venice day 2

This morning we took a water taxi out to Murano to see some glass blowing

Then we had a look around their upstairs  showroom where the items were well out of our price range.  We ended up buying a couple of the less pricey  items  downstairs. 

Then it was back to St Mark’s Square in a water taxi  supplied by the glass factory.  With the  prices they charge  they can afford to  supply free taxis.

We had lunch in a Cafe just off the Square where we had some lovely limoncello spritzers. Then we did some shopping.  I haven't even  started  the cruise  yet  and I've already  bought so much stuff I'm worried  about fitting it all in my case. Then it was back to the hotel  for a rest.

Later in the afternoon  we headed back to  St Mark’s Square to cross the last item off our Venice bucket list.  We had an ice-cream in one of the cafes in the Square.  The price was astronomical but so was the size of the sundae. We even  had musicians  serenading us as we ate.

Despite the fact that half the ice cream seemed to have ended up on my t-shirt I was still so full I couldn't face any dinner.   The hotel  has a rooftop  terrace so we decided to  go up there for a drink. But it was getting dark  by the time  we  got up there and we ended up in the downstairs  bar instead. 

Tomorrow  we board the Silver Spirit to begin our Adriatic  cruise. 

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