Friday 10 May 2024

Bari, Italy

Bari is the capital of the  Italian  region of Puglia.  Today's  excursion  was a journey  by coach out to the village of Alberobello which is a UNESCO world heritage site.  

Only in this small  area can you find these small conical  roofed houses called  trulli houses. 

Each trullo (singular) is only a single room. So if you want a residence big enough for a family you have to build a group of interlinked  trulli. 

They are built out of limestone using a kind of dry stone walling technique - no mortar or cement.  The reason for this is that the locals wanted to avoid paying the extortionate property  taxes charged by the king. So if they knew the king was coming they could deconstruct the trullo overnight,  leaving just a pile of stone, then reconstruct it again  after the king had moved on.

Many of them have interesting  symbols whitewashed on their  roofs, which usually seem to have some religious meaning.   We had some free time to walk around and do some  souvenir shopping  and then we stopped in the main square and had another radler.

After that it was off to a local masseria to sample some local delicacies.  We had bruschetta, focaccia, 3 different  kinds of cheese and 3 different  kinds of wine.  The masseria also had a very pretty  garden  with a cactus in bloom. I've never seen  flowers this big on a cactus before. 

On the way back to the ship we did the scenic drive through the city of  Monopoli, but I didn't see anyone playing board games.

If anything we were even more exhausted than after yesterday's excursion, so we ate early and went straight to bed.  To add insult to injury we are going to have less sleep tonight as the clocks are going forward an hour  ready for our arrival in Greece. 

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