Friday 3 May 2024

Arriving in Venice

Up at 5am  this morning  to get on the road to  Heathrow.  The plane to Venice  was nearly 2 hours late taking off.  Landed about 4pm and took a water taxi to the hotel.  Amazing to be sailing along the Grand Canal in a water taxi when just days ago I was at the Wallace  Collection  looking at Canaletto's paintings of it. 

The hotel is beautiful. 

And  there was a  complimentary bottle of prosecco waiting for us. After drinking that and unpacking, we headed out to find a nice restaurant  for an evening meal.  The concierge  recommended  a place called  La Scala that was nearby. We threaded our way along  the  side of a canal and down a tiny little  passage (so Venetian!) to get there. Had the most amazing meal - the waiter fileted  our fish at the table. Not only that  but he fileted  it with a spoon!   Amazing  start to our time in Venice. 

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