Wednesday 7 August 2019

7th August - Banff National park

This morning Denise and I were booked on a half day tour of Banff National Park.  Tomorrow we'll be getting on a train with a glass roof, but today we had a bus with a glass roof (at least at the front). Made for some spectacular views of the Rockies as we headed up to Lake Louise

We reached Lake Louise just as the sun came out and started burning off the clouds. Beautiful views and the water is a spectacular blue colour because it contains all the rock "flour" from the glaciers which blocks all but blue/green colours in the spectrum.
We also took a trip up to Moraine Lake - which has equally spectacular views.

We saw plenty of wildlife, including a coyote (eating a squirrel or rabbit for his lunch) and this juvenile black bear chomping away on some berries.  I'm afraid the photo's a bit blurred, but I had to zoom in a lot because I wasn't going to go any closer!

After our tour it was back to the hotel for a quick dip in the Hotel's hot tub/pool - which is in the basement and sourced from a natural hot spring.  It was certainly spectacular, but rather too hot for either of us to stay in for very long.

Tonight we're off to the Banff Springs Hotel for a fancy meal.



  1. Well, bears are not exactly a new experience for you, are they? Didn't you once have one in the car park?
