Sunday 11 August 2019

11th August - A Wet day in Vancouver

This morning we walked over to Canada Place so that Denise could go on the "Fly over Canada" ride. This is a virtual reality ride along the lines of the Soarin' ride at Disney.  I don't do heights - not even virtual ones, so Denise had to go in by herself.
Outside of Canada Place is the Olympic torch from the 2010 Winter Olympics.

It had been a bit damp before we arrived at Canada Place, but by the time we came out it was raining more heavily.   We decided to take a taxi to the Vancouver Aquarium so that we could do something that was indoors. Unfortunately it seemed everyone else had the same idea as the place was packed.  Surprisingly many of the animals weren't even fish.  I enjoyed the Amazon exhibit where there were sloths, monkeys, parrots, snakes, butterflies, tortoises and even bats. 

We have to be up early tomorrow to catch the ferry to Victoria, so this evening we are chilling out in the hotel pool and just taking it easy.

1 comment:

  1. Shame about the weather, but I am sure the Amazon exhibition at the aquarium made up for it.
    BTW Flyover Canada opening in Toronto in 2022!
