Wednesday 22 February 2017

The ice berg grave yard

This morning's shore excursion was at Petermann Island.  Denise opted to stay on the ship as the landing site was quite difficult and it was a reasonably long hike to get to where the brds were. I managed to spot my third penguin species (Adelie) and some blue eyed shags.

After this I hiked up a small mountain to get a view of the bay from the top.  Going up wasn't so bad, but coming down was a bit slippery, I was very glad I had my walking poles with me.

After lunch we made our way to Pleneau, otherwise known as the ice berg graveyard. Apparently prevailing winds tend to drive icebergs into this area where they become trapped.  We had a 90 minute zodiac cruise around the area to admire the ice bergs. It was actually snowing this afternoon and colder than it has been, so although the ice bergs were fascinating, we were glad to be back on the ship.

At 5.30pm the ship began making its way down the Lemaire channel. There was a lot of ice in the channel and we all went up on deck to watch as the Captain threaded the ship through.

This evening Denise and I stayed in our room and ordered room service rather than going to the restaurant as we had a number of post cards to write.  Tomorrow afternoon we will be docking at Port Lockroy, which has the only post office in the Antarctic, so we need to have our post cards ready.

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