Sunday 19 February 2017

Pick up a Penguin

This morning we arrived in Mikkelsen Harbour, and had our first expedition on shore.

Denise and I enjoyed an early breakfast at 7am with the most unbelievable views out of the dining room window.  Just how lucky are we to have that sort of view at breakfast.  

Getting into the zodiacs was an interesting experience. You're supposed to put everything in your backpack and keep your hands free, but I couldn't fit my Nordic walking poles into my back pack so I was trying to get in one-handed, while the other hand held both poles.  I made it in one piece at least.

On the zodiac ride towards the shore a leopard seal came up and circled the boat a few times. Tim, our expedition leader, stopped the craft so we got some good views.  Unfortunately, my camera was in my back pack, so I didn't get a photo.  I think the leopard seal thought we looked tasty, but eventually he left us alone.

Who are you and why are you on MY rock
After a bit of a wet landing (probably 12-18 inches of water) I waded onto land. The small island has a colony of Gentoo Penguins.  At this time of the year the baby penguins are very large - almost the same size as the adults, but still covered in a grey fuzz rather than the classic black and white feathers. Most of the adults are moulting. And when they're moulting they're pretty revolting. No - honestly, they are still cute, even when they are moulting..
We were told to stay at least 15 feet away from the penguins, but the penguins themselves don't obey the rule.  A young one came to inspect us and got up in Denise's face.

 There were also several fur seals on shore.

While we were on the island we heard a loud crash and we could see that part of the glacier across the bay had fallen away.  

The weather was bright and sunny (-1 degree) and I was able to manage well with no gloves in order to take photos.

Later this afternoon we will be going on a zodiac cruise around the ice bergs and glaciers in Cierva Cove
On board the zodiac, returning to Silver Explorer

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