Friday 15 July 2022


Docked in Isafjordur this morning.   Our guide was Greta from ...... Lithuania.  She came here intending to stay for 3 months, but that was 5 years ago.

We started our tour at yet another foss:  Bundarfoss. 

The water is so pure here you can drink it directly from the waterfall.  So we were all given a cup and got to dunk it in and have a sip. 
After that it was on to the Maritime museum.   Here they had put out some Icelandic fish delicacies for us to try.   I tasted the dried cod, but there was no way I was sampling the rotting shark. I don't think anyone in our group was brave enough to do so.

We moved on to the "fishing village'.   This is a recreation of the type of village the early Icelandic settlers lived in.   

Our final stop of the tour was a local church where a girl with a guitar sang us some traditional Icelandic hymns and lullabies. 

Back on the ship I finally managed to get into the Blue Eye lounge.  It had been closed so far this trip.  This is an underwater lounge bar with windows.  It's decorated to make it look like you're inside a whale and the 2 windows are the whale's eyes.   Sadly, you can't really see much out of the 2 windows except a cloudy green sea.  this is Iceland, not the Great Barrier Reef.  Still, it's pretty cool.


We sailed out of Isafjord in the late afternoon.   Denise and I decided to go to the lounge for cocktail hour and discovered that there was a special ham tasting going on.   There were a few nice hams, but the highlight was something called Pata Negra.  I'd never heard of this stuff, but apparently it's the most expensive ham in the world.  It was very yummy, so I went back for seconds, and then thirds.  I'm now feeling so full that I may have to skip dinner again tonight.




  1. Don't they have a daily schedule to let you know what's going on?

  2. Yes they do, but there was too much on it for me to bother reading it in detail. So I'd missed it in the schedule
