Monday 11 July 2022

All Aboard Le Bellot

This morning we had to have our cases ready to be picked up from our room at 10am.  While the cases were being taken to the ship, we met our tour director: Keanu  (sorry I mean Mateo)

Then we were taken by bus to the Harpa Concert Hall for lunch.   During lunch we had our Covid tests done.  The whole testing process was a bit of a poorly organized mess, but eventually Denise and I got our negative results back - which was a relief.

After lunch we had a quick coach tour of some of the main sights of Reykjavik, including the Hallgrimskirkja (which is the biggest church in Iceland).

The last stop before being taken to the ship was the Perlan Museum of the wonders of Iceland, where we walked through an ice cave and went up on the roof to get a 360 degree view of Reykjavik

At 5pm we boarded our ship:  Le Bellot and I had a welcome cocktail in the lounge.

We had our orientation talk, safety drill and a nice dinner before the ship set sail at 9pm.   The sea is very choppy and the ship is rocking quite a bit.  Good thing I'm not generally sea sick!

Tomorrow we dock at Grundarfjordur and take a half day tour of the region.


  1. I'm afraid I can't look at that "Perlan Museum" without thinking of a math class about integration!

  2. They give you a drink just before the safety drill?
