Tuesday 13 November 2018

10th Nov - The Royal Palace

This morning we took a coach to the Royal Palace complex.  It is quite a large site and very beautiful.

After lunch we sailed down to Koh Out Nha Tey (AKA Silk Island) and had a tour of a silk farm covering everything from how the silk worms mate all the way to watching the women making scarfs on the looms.  I bought quite a few silk scarves that were amazingly cheap.

Then it was back to the ship for sorbet on the sundeck and a very nice dinner.

After dinner there was a tour of Phnom Pen by tuk tuk.  Denise decided to sit this one out as tuk tuks do not agree with her back.  So I joined Jen and Robyn, two fun Australian ladies, and we had a whale of a time driving around in our convoy of tuk tuks.  It really is a completely different city at night when everything is lit up. After driving around town for about 40 minutes we arrived at our destination - a roof top bar with a great view out over the city.  We had free cocktails and enjoyed the view before tuk tuking back to the ship.

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