Monday 15 January 2018

Harvest Caye, Belize

Apologies that this entry is a week late.  I've never been on a cruise where there was just so much going on.  I just didn't have time to post updates here for the last 3 days of the cruise. Then I got home and immediately came down with the flu.  After 3 days I have just enough energy to sit in bed with my laptop and get on with this!

So, on Monday we arrived at Harvest Caye, Belize.  Harvest Caye is Norwegian's new 50 million dollar private resort in Belize.  Lots of people have a downer on it because it's a private resort and not "real" Belize.  Admittedly, the sand is a bit rough, and it's a bit mercenary of Norwegian when we've already paid for the cruise to charge again  for food/drinks in a their resort.  That said, I actually found it nice not to have to deal with lots of people trying to sell me something - it was a very relaxing place to spend a day. 

Bridie and I took a tour of a mangrove estuary on a boat and saw manatees, dolphins and assorted other wildlife.  After that Bridie was off to try out the zip lining, while I walked the beach and watched the sand spaceships building competition. Then I met up with Bridie again so that we could spend some quality time in the pool bar.  Finally I was dozing on one of the beach loungers when the guy across from me got up from his lounger to leave - only then did I notice that he was Robert Picardo.

Back on board we had another packed evening of entertainment.  First a piece called "High Lord Cuckoo Face and 3 little klingons"with Robert O'Reilly (Gowron).  Then our photo with Robert Picardo, before the Star Trek Squares game  show. Hilarious show - the Gorn answered every  question with "arrrgh arrrgh arrgh".  The late night party was "Risa's Festival of the Moon", but Bridie and I knew we had a full day excursion ahead of us in Mexico, so we decided to miss the party and head to bed relatively early.

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