Monday 8 January 2018

At Sea

Sorry I'm 2 days behind on my entries, but there is just sooo much to do on board.  On our first day at sea we went up to the pool deck for morning meditation with Nana Visitor (Major Kira) and then stayed on to watch the Klingon vegetable carving. Looked more like fruit than vegetables to me, and I'm not quite sure what it had to do with Klingons.  Anyhow, when that finished we suddenly realized we were late for our photo session with George Takei.  Had to rush down to the Grand Pacific dining room. Fortunately the whole thing was running late and there was still a queue. Mr Takei even apologized to us for the "long wait".  I don't think we endeared ourselves to him by admitting that we had forgotten the photo session and had only been in the queue for 5 minutes.

After a quick lunch in the buffet it was off to see a John De Lancie (Q)  piece about the Scopes Monkey Trial.  Very well acted by Bob Picardo (the doctor), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Ethan Philips (Neelix) and a bunch of others including John De Lancie himself.  Also a cooking demo by Nana Visitor. 

In the evening we decided to go to one of the special restaurants: the Klingon Karnivoria (AKA the Brazillian steakhouse).  Followed by an incredible night's entertainment.  First the Interstellar Improv with Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar), Ethan Philips and Rene Auberjonois. They ad-libbed an alternative soundtrack to an episode of the original series.  I laughed so much my stomach hurt.  Then the Rat Pack show with Jeff Combs (Weyoun/Shran), Casey Biggs (Gul Dukat), Armin Shimmerman (Quark), Max Grodenchik(Rom) and Vaughn Armstrong (Admiral Forrest). Oh and Ethan Philips again.  They sang, told jokes, played various instruments. I can't believe how talented these guys are.  I've got to say that all the entertainment is way better than the shows on a regular cruise.

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