Tuesday, 31 December 2024

30th December - Hampton Court

We took the tube out to Waterloo this morning. On the way to the tube station we passed this small green  cabin near our hotel which I thought was worthy of a mention.

This is a Cabman's Shelter.  They were built back in Victorian times when cabmen were seated up on top of a horse drawn carriage,  exposed to the elements.   The cabins provided a place where the drivers could shelter in bad weather and get a hot drink and something to eat.  Inside there's a small kitchen (see the chimney  on top) and some small bench seating. However,  you  can't go inside  if you're  not a registered  London  taxi driver.  You can get a cup of tea and a bacon butty and a cup of tea from the window on the end though.   This particular Cabman's Shelter is very close to our hotel. There were over 100 of these shelters around London at one time, but now only about a dozen  remain and they're listed buildings.

Also, on the way to Waterloo  tube station  we passed  Harrods,  looking very splendid  in all its Christmas  finery.

From  Waterloo  wecaught a train out to Hampton  Court.  It's been  many many years since either of us last came here.

The Palace is very interesting with lots of different  areas from times  when  different  monarchs resided there.  

The Tudor areas of the Palace are the most well known,  but there were also William III's apartments and a Georgian section. George II was the last monarch to use the Palace,  after that the Royal family moved to Buckingham Palace. 

The gardens are beautiful  too.

After much walking around the Palace and it's grounds we made our way over the road to a place called the Coppernose Cafe for something to  eat, before heading  back to the train  station for the return  journey  to London.   

It had been a long day and Becky is still a bit under the weather with her cold so we decided  to spend the rest of the evening indoors and  ate in the hotel  bar.

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