Saturday 30 December 2017

To go where no one has gone before

So I'm heading out again on another vacation.
I fly out of Montreal early on New Year's Day, so I'm going to be staying the night at a hotel in Montreal airport - an unusual way to spend New Year's Eve.
 I'll be meeting up with my friend Bridie in Miami, and then we're spending a few days there doing some trips to the Everglades and Key West before boarding our cruise. 
Where are we cruising to you ask?  Well Belize, Honduras and Mexico.  But it's not about where we're going so much as who we're going with.  This is Star Trek: The Cruise.  George Takei (AKA Mr Sulu) is the host and around 25 of the actors from the various series of Star Trek will be on board. Scotty, beam me up!

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